Q: Good morning,
I'm making a lightbox, but I like to know I have to do to Lightbox that plays automatically when you open the web directly, without having to click on the thumbnail that appears above hand left ... It's urgent please!
A: You can start Video LightBox gallery on page load.
You should set the following function in Video LightBox BODY section:
<script type="text/javascript">
$( function(){$("#videogallery a[rel]:first").overlay().load()});
You should also set id="mylink" for video link:
<!-- Start VideoLightBox.com BODY section -->
<div id="videogallery">
<a rel="#voverlay" id="mylink" href="http://www.youtube.com/v/vPisAYTubrg?autoplay=1"
title="" style="display:none;">
<img src="data/thumbnails/0.png"><span></span></a><a id="videolb" href="http://videolightbox.com">
Video In A Lightbox by VideoLightBox.com v1.3</a></div>
<script type="text/javascript">
$( function(){$("#videogallery a[rel]:first").overlay().load()});
<!-- End VideoLightBox.com BODY section -->
I have a html5 video gallery php page and i want to integrate a html video lightbox movie inside my page. Like it very much. It does show the YouTube title with mouseover but would prefer titles under thumbnail. Any tips?
Hi, support! The gallery page that Video LightBox generates works fine - videos popup in a lightbox vimeo window when the vimeo thumbnails are clicked. Any tips?
I could o with some advice. to test. I try to put the vimeo lightbox link from youtube playlist to the html embed video program but it never work.
We would like the movie to auto play when someone loads the page. I need to be able to insert, modify and manage these videos on my own without the jquery player support of my development team in order to minimize overhead. Even editing the CSS to other known working configurations doesn't seem to do the video popup jquery trick.
Dear Support, I test your lightbox video html5 program and I am interested in it. I see symbols instead of lightbox window. I've tried others that I have and none seem to work (with the html5 video lightbox videos not loading).
I use your VideoLightBox and have a problem: Videos never play on iPhone 4 (just continue loading), but they play fine on laptop browser (such as Safari). I then made a simple page in iWeb. My ajax video player notebook runs windows vista, I have done all the javascript video player updates. What is difference between Single Website license and Unlimited Websites license?