Q: Hello,
Next question before I decide to purchase. How can I put another thumbnail in place of the one that your app chooses? I'd like to choose a frame deeper into the video.
Thank you.
A: Unfortunately you can not do directly in Video LightBox app, but you can do it manually.
You should upload your own image on the server (e.g. YourImageName.jpg) and change path to video thumbnail in Video LightBox BODY section:
<!-- Start VideoLightBox.com BODY section -->
<a rel="#voverlay" href="http://www.youtube.com/v/y7ssHOBFvGk?autoplay=1&rel=0&enablejsapi=1&playerapiid=ytplayer"
title="Fan Video CARS">
<img src="images/YourImageName.jpg" alt="Fan Video CARS" /><span></span></a>
<!-- End VideoLightBox.com BODY section -->
I work in an office where I use a Mac and my lightbox youtube embed coworker uses a PC. On my preview, the videos played But I got two info headers on page. Please let me know that this amount will be credited to the videolightbox Visa card used to purchase this software.
I'm considering licensing your VideoLightBox, however I'd like to customise the look of it to integrate with the look of the website. As you well know, the automatic selection of thumbnails more often than not gives a popup video player very unattractive thumbnail. So I'd like to create a html popup video self-contained solution that points to files on disk (that I could supply them). Do you know if there is a way to change my security preferences so that I can open this?
I've downloaded and tested your VideoLightBox and plan to purchase. I have 'presrve aspect rarion' clicked, but my vertical images are cropped off. We are familiar with HTML/CSS coding but not so much your web embed video scripts. I need to open the video lightbox player (for example with text) immediately.
I am testing out your video player Video LightBox gallery and I am having difficulty embedding the lightbox mp4 gallery in my website. I am thinking that Video Lightbox is similar to HTML5, but with more whistles and bells? Thanks.
I love the vimeo lightbox idea your product and I am interested in buying the lightbox jquery youtube business version but there are some really strange problems with it. What folder should the gallery be saved in? What needs to change to make this example work.
I'm using the free version of VideoLightbox and I'm thinking about buying the video gallery html business edition but I would like to know before if there is any way to let the videos on infinite loop, cause that's really important to my lightbox video html5 project. Embeds into local web page just fine. What will I get, if I buy a license? I want it to play automatically, after the page loaded.