Q: Hi I am trying to use the VideoLightBox and I am using the trial to see if I can set up my gallery. I have looked at the css but I cannot work out how to change the color of the text from blue to white? I have worked out other issues in Css to customize but I cannot see where the color of the text is set in the css?? Please can you help?? Then I can use it.
A: To change color of titles you should open generated "videolightbox.css" file in any text
editor (for example, Notepad), find following lines:
.videogallery a {
color: #333333;
display: inline-block;
font: 12px/18px "Lucida Grande","Lucida Sans Unicode",Arial,Verdana,sans-serif;
margin: 3px;
opacity: 0.87;
position: relative;
text-align: center;
text-decoration: none;
vertical-align: top;
width: 160px;
and change value of "color" parameter.
Notice, you should use "Thumbnails titles->text" mode in this case .If you'll use "Thumbnails titles->graphic" mode, titles will be part of your images and you'll be able to edit them in a graphic editor only.
I'm planning on purchasing the business edition of the youtube popup jquery video light box. I use Windows 7. Could you help me? So can I use this unlimited on all of my and my video popup clients sites??
I have downloaded and opened the zip file but Windows Vista will not allow me to open flv lightbox. I ask this question because I am planning to upgrade my primary computer soon and would like to install the programs on the new computer, or at least transfer them from the html5 video popup old computer to the lightbox embed video new one. Thank you!
Can you make embed video auto run when the page loads? Everything works perfectly. So can I use this jquery player unlimited on all of my html5 lightbox video and my clients sites??
Hi, I downloaded the html video popup free Videolightbox download but when I tried to open it there was a window that said due to security preferences I can only open apps from the Mac store and identified web sites. I got problem to separate objects on ftp. I encode diff. I wounder if is it possible to use the non-profit license of videolightbox for the video pop up university website or we have to purchase the single website license.
I am demoing the jquery video gallery Video Lightbox and would like to know if it is compatible with the iPhone. I then made a simple page in iWeb. Everything works great, but how do I get the video to pop up window to center on the jquery embed youtube iPhone?
I downloaded your VideoLightBox. The HTML5 or the jquery video gallery Video Lightbox? I can rename local video files. The youtube popup wow slider has stopped working again, can you help?