Q: When I create a page using "Publish to folder" in the 4th tab, then opening the page with IE8 shows a warning:
"Internet Explorer restricted this webpage from running scripts or ActiveX controls."
I must then click "Allow blocked content" and then the page works fine.
When I look at your demos, IE does not come up with that.
What can I change on to prevent this from popping up.
A: You can get this message on your local machine only. You won't have such message when you
open your website via Internet.
If you don't want to see this message you should do the following
Tools/Internet Options/Advanced Options/
and set
"Allow active content from files to run on My Computer".
Close Internet Explorer and open it once again.
There will be no such message any more.
Hello, support. Question: Is there a way for me to chose or adjust the way the thumbnail is displayed? Supported codes are flv, h264, vp6f, Vp6a" I have version - Version 2.1 of Video LightBox I believe in the past I was able to upload MP4 files but am confused as to why I can't seem to do this embed youtube video now. Most of my jquery video gallery videos are .mov if that helps.
I would like to paste the Video LightBox into my simple video lightbox webpage but want to change the location of the lightbox video player thumbnail, Is there any way to make it? Should I just request a refund through PayPal? Them it goes to full color to indicate that it is ready to run. How can I do it?
I have uploaded my webpage now with the javascript video player mp4 movie installed with videolightbox. But can you help one think. All of the movies (ecapt one) are coming from YouTube. Hope that makes sense - thanks for your video html attention to this!
Can I use HTML5Video with on the same page? My lightbox video html5 question is, is it possible to have the videos pop-up viewer display in two different sizes on the html embed video same web page. Any suggestions? If so, how can I make it?
Why am I getting renewal notices that state I am expiring this popup video jquery month. Now it won't even open. I have a jquery video website that uses html. Thank you!
I have a html5 video problem with VideoLightBox thumbnails. But the payment pages say that this is a lightbox play video subscription based product that needs to be renewed. Thank you.