Q: Hi, if I buy the license for $69 or $49 will the license last for a lifetime or only for a year? Thanks.
A: The Business License is for life, it also includes 1 year of free upgrades.
After your free upgrade period will expire, you will be able to upgrade your license
for only the 50% of the current license price or continue to use version you received as a
last free upgrade as long as you need it.
I am currently using Video Lightbox and almost all of the videos have .flv format and they are unviewable on Apple mobile devices. I get following error "VideoLightBox can't be opened because it is from an unidentified developer". How would i upload 2 videos to the same server with the same names, how would i have to change the youtube video lightbox names so that each video is not picking the video embed code code off each other?
Dear Support, My problem is that after publication the videos added do not show titles under the html5 embed video thumbnail. I would like to have the lightbox for video thumbnails line up horizontally, but they appear vertically. Thank you!
I have downloaded and installed your popup video jquery program. I saw an "overlay shadow" option, but I guess that's for something else? If you could please explain this html5 process it would be greatly appreciated
I am happy with your youtube video gallery Video LightBox , but it will be better if It can link to youtube play list, can it be, if so how to do. What I am trying to do is produce a video gallery consisting of about 25 videos per page. I tried adding a _top target to the video popup jquery link but that did not work.
I have a html video popup question. We have older video that we would like to display now, but it is much more visually square than the html5 video lightbox widescreen video we currently shoot at. It's unclear how to fix this.
Hi. What's difference between them? Is it not a html video template one-time purchase?