Q: Every time I create a video gallery I may sure "MP4 quick start" is enabled.
But that feature doesn't work. My MP4 videos have to download completely before the player starts playing the video.
Your help will be appreciated.
A: Maximal video resolution for iPhone and Android smartphones is 640x480px.
Maximal video resolution for iPad and most of the other tablets is 1024x768px.
Actually, it's not a problem of VideoLightBox. It's a technical restriction of devices.
The same rule is for any other video, not for VideoLightBox only.
I'm interested in your product. I am curious why this lightbox jquery video option does not translate over to VideoLightBox? I purchased both VisualLightBox and VideoLightBox. The video player wow slider has stopped working again, can you help?
I want to buy your html video popup VideoLightBox. The thumbnails should not be the same on both pages every thumbnail should be different. Hope that makes sense - thanks for your html5 lightbox video attention to this!
Hi, if I buy the license for $69 or $49 will the license last for a lifetime or only for a jquery youtube lightbox year? For some reason the audio does not play on any of them. Does this jquery video popup application work with IPad?
I purchased CSS3menu license that has 2 installations limit. I assume this means that your Javascript applies itself to the appropriate links at page load. The reason why I ask is I don't like the images that are being auto-generated and I would like to control at what point (time) in the lightbox video youtube video where the thumbnail is captured. When I put in the html head and body codes nothing shows up when I test my lightbox site in a browser.
I'm creating Newsletter for a non-profit organization. I see popup window, but playing won't start, even if I click "Play" button. The jquery youtube lightbox reason why I ask is I don't like the images that are being auto-generated and I would like to control at what point (time) in the video where the thumbnail is captured. Am I maybe missing a javascript video gallery required plugin?
I'd like to buy the css video gallery Video LightBox but firstly want to make it work. Within YouTube these videos have the html5 video center option of enlarging the videos to full screen. Thanks.