Q: I am using your video lightbox wizard and everything works great except I cannot get a caption to show up in the MAC (with text) template. There is a title below the video but not in the frame. Any help would be amazing.
A: Captions will appear in the frame if you'll use "graphic" mode only. It's possible for Mac with titles, Polaroid, Round Frame, Sticky Notes and Vista with titles templates.
Other templates support "text" mode only and captions appear below thumbnails.
Dear Support, I am testing the Video LightBox and would like to know what is the html popup video difference between text and graphic, when I choose title for thumbnail? (Full version of both)If you use both programs on one side, then Visual Works, LightBox no longer true (thumbnails there are, but when you click one goes NEW page on with an jquery video thumbnail image), that is no more zooming. For example, iMovie wants to default to a 960x540 size that is really good at balancing file size and resolution, but it does not play on my iPhone or iPad at all. It is not the computer.
I use free version of VideoLightBox. It shows up in the program files, but even trying to run as Administrator, it just doesn’t run. The pictures showed beautifully in the web browser preview (Firefox) but when I published it on the html5 lightbox video Internet the videos did not show. Can you tell me how to open the ajax video player file?
Videolightbox works fine in Firefox on my computer, but doesn't work in Internet Explorer... Why? I really like the app. twice. How can I get the web video videos to do the jquery youtube lightbox same?
I am testing with a free version of videolightbox on my jquery video popup website, but cannot get Youtube videos to play through videolightbox on iPhone/iPad. (When testing other YouTube content with captions they did appear fine using Video Lightbox). Is it not a video light box one-time purchase?
How can I added the html5 video player Visual LightBox and embed videos on the same page? Some names of video files are too long and couldn't be displayed at the vimeo thumbnail completely. Can you help me? I would really hate to redo the sight.
Do you know if there is a way to troubleshoot column issues with video lighbox? But when video LB quit working, then I moved all of the lightbox video example visual LB stuff to another folder and updated all of the links in my lightbox youtube embed HTML. Thanks.