Q: Dear Support,
I am testing my site in Internet Explorer and the video displays separately from the frame for it? Why did this happen? Please, advise.
A: Try to add the DOCTYPE declaration for universal compatibility:
<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/html4/loose.dtd">
I have just bought the commercial version of VideoLightBox for Windows 2.1. I have a question: what should I do to add my own watermark? QUESTION: Can I use these to software apps together? If I am able to use this tool as I think I can, I will be purchasing the lightbox2 video corporate license, but this hiccup is a html video thumbnail deal breaker if I can't use URLs.
I have a problem that's not directly related to Video Lightbox, but I was hoping you might be able to shed some light. If I remove the video thumbnail html videolightbox script altogether, WOW Slider works normally. I cannot find any information on your site. By the way, I love your html5 video gallery products.
Does video lightbox work on Windows 7? 32 bit? If there is any update or new version for this can I get it free or I have to pay for this? But when I do this with the vimeo popup current mp4 I am trying to display it renders the embed youtube video unviewable - all I get is audio. Does this application work with IPad?
Hi, support! I built a html5 lightbox video video gallery in your youtube popup jquery application. How much would it cost to upgrade to the latest version?
I would like to tell me if it possible to have a link in my site and when i click on it your beautiful player showed up immediately without open the popup video html page with the popup video player videos. files for all e-devices, but videolightbox only handles one file. Is this license for life long or for specific period?
Dear support, I have created a jquery gallery video website and added videos and it was working as expected on my jquery embed video personal system. Like it very much. Any guidance would be appreciated.