Q: I purchased CSS3menu license that has 2 installations limit. If I install on 2 computers then later can I uninstall one from one of the computer and install to a new computer? Thank you.
A: Yes, you can.
One license key allows you to install the app. on two computers at the SAME time (it doesn't
matter Windows or Mac). There is no limit for installations.
My jquery video thumbnail problem is that I have a FLASH header on my video embed site and when the lightboxes open, they open partially under the top FLASH area. But I'm not sure what license I should buy. I would like to add video lightbox. Any suggestions?
Hello. The jquery video player university is a non-profit organization. Can I make a lightbox which is not for an image but a page? I would like to know is it possible to start the gallery using the button, not the thumbnail, so the javascript video player user can click on it and open the gallery?
I just downloaded your html5 lightbox free version of your html5 video popup Lightbox Video Player. My notebook runs windows vista, I have done all the updates. Please confirm.
2. The video index.html worked and the hotlink worked as well and it showed me the video but it was not in a popup hovering over the jquery embed video original page. And video doesn't launch :( I hope You fix this right away, and email me necessary updates please? Can you please help me with this youtube video gallery problem?
I've downloaded the video light box Videoligthbox with the video lightbox code idea of purchasing the full Mac licence, but I'm having some troubles setting up my first video gallery. She is a student and wants colleges to view the videos she is making. I have three test urls of (to find out which one would work), but none of them do. Can it be installed into iPad 7.0? Thanks.
Dear Support, I've read the instruction of how to paste the Video LightBox to my page but where can I find data folder? However, once a is removed and reinserted, the Lightbox does not work (it simply acts as a normal link to the video) though the HTML of the youtube popup player itself appears identical before and after the filtering. I would like to know if this js video gallery script only publishes video sources such as youtube,veoh etc, or does it have the functionality to publish videos from a local mp4/flv file. Does this application work with IPad?