Q: How can I make lightbox gallery fire without a thumbnail. I would like to fire them from a hotlink?
Could you give me the replacement code or an example of a hotlink to start either of your solutions?
A: To start Video LightBox onclick from link/image:
1) Change the following code in engine/js/videolightbox.js
$("#videogallery a[rel]")
$("#videogallery a[rel],#watch")
2) Specify the link/image with the id="watch":
<a rel="#voverlay" id="watch" href="http://www.youtube.com/v/jp-qh3heb04?autoplay=1&rel=0" title="2012 Ford Mustang Boss 302
in Action">
Click to start Video Gallery</a>
Hello Staff, I downloaded a video gallery lightbox free evaluation version but did not find how to setup iPhone template? Your popup site does not give good step by step instructions as to where all these files go. Best regards.
Hello. I have tried adding YouTube and Vimeo URLs with no luck. Is there an lightbox jquery youtube easy way to generate a html5 video player different image?
We are having an popup youtube video issue of when the video is played, the background of the viewing monitor is not darkening. Now I can't find any information about the time I'm able to use it. There is a title below the video but not in the lightbox video jquery frame. I can see the videos, but I can't close them when I click outside the video.
Can't seem to get VideoLightBox working. I'd like to choose a html5 video lightbox frame deeper into the web video video. How can I solve this problem?
Hi, Before I purchase your app, I want to ,ake sure that it can be installed into Windows 8. Can it? I have tried with and without "www." and "http://". I have added the script to my html5 video popup page, but the thumbnails for the jquery video overlay videos show red x's. Is the video id embedding in the java script ? And is what I am trying to do possible?
Hello, I installed the popup video html trial version for later purchase the lightbox youtube jquery license. I would like to add video lightbox. It's unclear how to fix this.