Q: I use your VideoLightBox app. and have a problem.
When I'm working with .mov files there is no sound. Any idea? Thank you
A: Sound will play correctly, if it has AAC Audio compression format. Sound in your video has ima4 format.
VideoLightBox app. uses original video and couldn't affect on it.
You should use other tool to convert ima4 into AAC.
Can you tell me, how to change the web media player language at videolightbox? Is the location of the video gallery jquery video where the thumbnail snapshot is taken random? I just wanted to pay, when I recognized, that the license will expire. Is the video id embedding in the java script ? And is what I am trying to do possible?
Dear support, I send you the popup videolightbox file that keeps crashing when I try to add it to a page of html. A message saying "Videolightbox stopped working". Any clues to what I might be doing wrong ? I use the regular embed code, when using an video gallery html flv code that is on a hard drive.
I'm have a site that have 3 pages with a different gallery on each page, but when I create a gallery for the second page, it uses the video embed code thumbs from the first. It crashes the moment I try to start it regardless of what I am trying to do. It has always been working fine, and displaying the lightbox youtube jquery video in HD. Is there a way to enable this option?
Hi, what is the discount for renewals? Going down to 640x480 hurts visual appearance of text. For some reason the video lightbox js option is removed. I did not save the gallery setup with all the html video popup video url's and I would like to avoid having to re-publish it.
how can i remove watermark? Does it matter? I have a problem where my lightbox video popup VideoLightBox gallery works in all browsers except IE (I’m using Win 7 + IE10). Do you know if there is a way to change my video player security preferences so that I can open this?
I have downloaded and installed your program. (Unlimited websites license) and I'm very pleased with it. Can I ask, is it possible to have a html video template transparent background for my thumbnails so that it can be embedded into a different web page, or can I add a embed youtube background image so that I can give it the same feel?