Q: Hi!
I am very much interested in buying but it is working in Ning platform properly. If you can support and solve this issue.
By having a demo Ning site and hosting video playlist with video light box i ll be convinced.
Please confirm.
A: VideoLightBox is compatible with all website builders, that allows to add html code and
execute javascript. You can try to use free version:
To install the Video LightBox into your html page:
1) open the page in your program
2) open html source code of the page
3) add several rows of code:
Copy code for the HEAD section and paste it inside the HEAD section of you own webpage,
for example:
<!-- Start VideoLightBox.com HEAD section -->
<link rel="stylesheet" href="engine/css/videolightbox.css" type="text/css" />
<style type="text/css">#<a href="http://videolightbox.com/rq/video-gallery-for-website/">videogallery</a> a#<a href="http://videolightbox.com/rq/jquery-lightbox-video/">videolb</a>{display:none}</style>
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="engine/css/overlay-minimal.css"/>
<script src="engine/js/jquery.tools.min.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
<script src="engine/js/swfobject.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
<!-- make all links with the 'rel' attribute open overlays -->
<script src="engine/js/videogallery.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
<!-- End VideoLightBox.com HEAD section -->
Copy code for the BODY section and paste it inside the Body section of you own webpage in the place where you want to have a gallery, for example:
<!-- Start VideoLightBox.com BODY section -->
<div id="videogallery">
<a rel="#voverlay" href="http://www.youtube.com/v/n9-8UsJ-cpc?autoplay=1" title="Manchester United vs Chelsea Penalty shootout 2008">
<img src="data/thumbnails/0.png" alt="Manchester United vs Chelsea Penalty shootout 2008"/><span></span></a><a id="videolb"
href="http://videolightbox.com">Video In A Lightbox by VideoLightBox.com v1.6</a>
<!-- End VideoLightBox.com BODY section -->
Copy 'data' folder with images and video files and 'engine' folder with .css and .js files into the same folder with your own webpage.
That's all.
Hi, support! I've been trying to open the video lightbox index.html file using Microsoft Word (this is the only text editor I have, but Microsoft Word will not allow me to view the HTML source. Prior to installing Visual Lightbox, the video overlay worked fine. The video seems to interfere with the slideshow - is there somewhere I can add a z-index to ensure the jquery youtube lightbox video floats on top my flash?
I tired your product with some videos....I could not get the title of the video to show below the frame or the lightbox show..and I could not find any please where I can add title for the video lightbox code video. I am trying to add video lightbox to my site, however when I try to publish videos I get an popup video error message: "Connection to host failed: Host not found." What am I doing wrong? Or...? Hope you understand my try to explain....
Hello, I would like to create more that one video galleries on my vimeo lightbox webpage, I tried it (I chose "Insert to page") but it was not successful Is there any way to make it? The vimeo lightbox videos don't work in website but work offline. How many computers can I install VideoLightBox on?
How can Videolightbox be used together with easyhtml5video. I would like to fire them from a hotlink? Some names of video files are too long and couldn't be displayed at the html video popup thumbnail completely. How would i upload 2 videos to the same server with the same names, how would i have to change the names so that each video is not picking the lightbox mp4 code off each other?
Hi, I've tried the youtube video gallery Free version and it looks perfect. Meaning: Click Link, Video Pops Up? I'm not sure what license I need to buy now. Will there be any conflict?
Hi, I wanna purchase your app. I have a embed youtube video problem where my VideoLightBox gallery works in all browsers except IE (I’m using Win 7 + IE10). Why did this jquery video overlay happen? Thanks for your help.