Q: I just would like to know if this was a one-time fee version or I must pay every year?
Thanks for your help.
A: The Business License is for life, it also includes 1 year of free upgrades.
After your free upgrade period will expire, you will be able to upgrade your license
for only the 50% of the current license price or continue to use version you received as a
last free upgrade as long as you need it.
I have computer and laptop. Being able to choose text font, size and color would be something that users would really want. We have older video that we would like to display now, but it is much more visually square than the video embed code widescreen video we currently shoot at. Is there a mp4 lightbox way to activate the version I did with free demo so I don't have to create it again?
Hello! On one website? But is there a jquery video gallery way to add the videos to the html5 video center page without using that option?
Hi, I am using VideoLightbox 2.4 and I am trying to use videos that I have stored on SproutVideo however the lightbox mp4 application is not allowing me to add those videos. files for all e-devices, but videolightbox only handles one file. Do you know what could be causing this? Mac won't open because "its from an embed video html unidentified developer" OS 10.9 Please, help.
When I put it into a javascript video gallery Folder on my C:Drive I get the video but there is a jquery video lightbox message: Error: Video Playback was aborted. Looks nice. and I'm wondering if I can make my own custom template with your software? When I upgrade to the new version, do I need to change my video format or will it make the .flv file viewable on these devices?
I purchased your video lightbox software and have found a youtube video popup problem with it. Within YouTube these embed video html videos have the option of enlarging the videos to full screen. QUESTION: Can I use these to software apps together? thanks.
I use VideoLightBox and have a html5 question. Error stating "not an vimeo lightbox authorized developer" please advice. I need it to start streaming as soon as possible after clicking as no one will be prepared.