Q: Hi,
I've just tried the Video LightBox on mobile devices and it doesn't play automatically.
Is there any way to fix it?
A: For all portable devices, where the user may be on a cellular network and be charged per data unit, preload and autoplay are disabled. No data is loaded until the user initiates it.
This means the JavaScript play() and load() methods are also inactive until the user initiates playback, unless the play() or load() method is triggered by user action.
We are using the youtube video popup free version of your lightbox for a website and are interested in purchasing the video html5 business version. Like it very much. Thanks in advance!
Hello! We have older video that we would like to display now, but it is much more visually square than the youtube popup jquery widescreen video we currently shoot at. Any tips as to how I can get past this html5 video center Windows Vista control issue?
Hello, Forgive me the lightbox jquery youtube mistakes in my English! However, they wish to use it in conjunction with some Javascript that filters a list of s, a feat it accomplishes by removing all of the s from the page and then reinserting the html5 video popup appropriate ones. Tried with Mac (with titles) and Vista (with titles).
I’m having trouble opening the application. How are you? Can I make a lightbox which is not for an web video player image but a website video player page? It is not the computer.
I could o with some advice. Now I can't find any information about the vimeo time I'm able to use it. Within YouTube these html5 video videos have the option of enlarging the videos to full screen. Or...? Hope you understand my try to explain....
I bought your products VideoLightBox and EasyHTML5Video and love them... very nice job! It is a local video, on an video lightbox iPad (unfortunate this popup video jquery is local, and I can not share a webpage with you) So the question is: How can I specify on a local mp4 file on iPad to auto start? The files in them. Alternatively, can I use my own thumbnail images?