Q: I am unable to get my server recognized. No matter what I do, I get
the following message in video embed code: "Connection to Host Failed: Host Not Found."
I don't know what to do. Please help!
A: Check that you selected the created location from the list
of available locations in video embed code till you press Publish button.
I tried your html embed video free version of VideoLightBox and like it. How do I do this? The gallery page that Video LightBox generates works fine - videos popup in a window when the thumbnails are clicked. When I upgrade to the new version, do I need to change my video format or will it make the .flv file viewable on these video light box devices?
I purchased VideoLightBox single license a couple months ago but would like to upgrade to the business license for multiple sites. My question is, is it possible to have the popup video youtube videos pop-up viewer display in two different sizes on the html5 lightbox same web page. Thank you.
I purchased a lightbox js video registered version of your popup video player software and need help. But when i click it won't run. Please can you help? So is there something I have to do to make those two play nice together?
First - your website video player VideoLightBox is great! Just one problem the thumbnail image generated is usually not the embed youtube video best image I would use. It's a real problem and I don't want to play games to try to figure it out.
Hi Is it possible to make the lightbox video html rest of the web page fade back, or have a semi-transparent white overlay, when the video popup runs to make the html video template page less distracting and the video stand out more? I have three test urls of (to find out which one would work), but none of them do. Would it still work??
We recently purchased your product under the youtube popup player mistaken assumption that you support .mp4. Your program claims it does but when we attempt to add the html video code video from http://www.domain.com/video/custom.mp4 we get a "Video url is unsupported or invalid." We cannot use the program as advertised . I can rename local video files. I installed html video embed on another PC and it works fine. Would love to know a way to change that effect, thanks!