Q: I purchased your Vvideo Lightbox software and have found a problem with it.
There's only one player skin. Your "customize video" section in the software is deceiving in that it shows various player skins.
A: Actually you can only select template for your video: 'Customize video' tab -> Template.
You can choose one of the templates: Standard, Windows, Mac etc.
Notice, that view of a player (progress bar and other controls) does not depend on the selected template.
They depend on what video do you use. That is why templates look different for local video files, YouTube videos, Vvimeo videos etc.
If problem will persist, try to publish a video gallery with new template into empty folder.
Dear Support, I would like to use both (Visual LightBox and Video LightBox)on the lightbox for video same page. She is a student and wants colleges to view the js video gallery videos she is making. Is the single or multiple licence fee a one off or annual? By the way you got fantastic product.
How can Videolightbox be used together with easyhtml5video. We are having a html embed video problem with the free version that I'm hoping you can resolve before we purchase the lightbox jquery youtube business edition. I am on Windows 7 machine. Your assistance would be greatly appreciated.
I purchased CSS3menu license that has 2 installations limit. It crashes the youtube video gallery moment I try to start it regardless of what I am trying to do. Is there to provide an html5 video player invoice?
I would like to tell me if it possible to have a youtube video player link in my site and when i click on it your jquery video beautiful player showed up immediately without open the page with the videos. The gallery page that Video LightBox generates works fine - videos popup in a window when the thumbnails are clicked. Thank you.
Dear support, I have bought VideoLightBox, I installed, but when I double click VideoLightBox shortcut on desktop, Nothing happens. I am using Windows 7, Firefox v14.0.1, VideoLightBox v2.1. I’ve used your software many times and not had this problem. When I was demo'ing this vimeo for a client, it appears as a add-in request icon, not a youtube popup jquery video. Hope that makes sense - thanks for your attention to this!
2. The lightbox embed video video index.html worked and the hotlink worked as well and it showed me the video but it was not in a html popup video popup hovering over the original page. 1.11 installed. On one website? Do you offer any discounts for non-profits or can I use free version?