Q: I'm have a site that have 3 pages with a different gallery on each page, but when I create a gallery for the second page, it uses the thumbs from the first. Is there an easy way to specify that the new gallery should use different thumbnails?
A: You can use different video galleries on different pages.
You should save each gallery in its own directory, for example:
But notice that you should manually add 'gal1/' prefix before each path on your html page (in html code for video gallery):
<!-- Start VideoLightBox.com HEAD section -->
<link rel="stylesheet" href="gal1/index_videolb/videolightbox.css" type="text/css" />
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="gal1/index_videolb/overlay-minimal.css"/>
<script src="gal1/index_videolb/jquery.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
<script src="gal1/index_videolb/swfobject.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
<!-- End VideoLightBox.com HEAD section -->
<!-- Start VideoLightBox.com BODY section -->
<div class="videogallery">
<a class="voverlay" href="http://www.youtube.com/v/31aWy9lcyJk?autoplay=1&rel=0&enablejsapi=1&playerapiid=ytplayer" title="How to Add Video to Your Website with Video LightBox .com">
<img src="gal1/index_videolb/thumbnails/0.png" alt="How to Add Video to Your Website with Video LightBox .com" /><span></span></a>
<a class="videolb" href="http://videolightbox.com">How Embed YouTube Video by VideoLightBox.com v2.1</a>
<script src="gal1/index_videolb/jquery.tools.min.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
<script src="gal1/index_videolb/videolightbox.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
<!-- End VideoLightBox.com BODY section -->
Also, you can set an unique name for index file. Go to tab "4. Publish" and set unique value for "Index file name" parameter. VideoLightBox will generate folders with unique names in this case, so files of different galleries will not be mixed up and you shouldn't edit HTML code manually.
For example: VideoLightBox will generate "gallery1_videolb" folder for "gallery1.html" Index file name, "gallery2_videolb" folder - for "gallery2.html" file, etc.
The video progress bar/playbar disappears if the video html5 cursor is not over the video. When I customize thumbnails and choose template with titles (Mac or Vista), the bar below the jquery video lightbox thumbnail appear but without title. So, you click thumbnail and video will play on the page, not into popup window.
I'm having problems getting videos to display in popup windows on our lightbox youtube video website. When I was demo'ing this for a client, it appears as a add-in request icon, not a vimeo popup video. I assume this means that your Javascript applies itself to the appropriate links at page load. I have some very basic questions.
how can i remove watermark? I appreciate your help! My video gallery jquery MP4 videos have to download completely before the lightbox video player player starts playing the video. I would simply like to launch the overlay automatically without the need for the user to click a thumbnail or a text hyperlink.
I'm very excited about your product because it might just solve an ancient problem of mine when displaying videos on my website. I installed and tried to upload two videos. But that feature doesn't work. Is there a lightbox mp4 way I can just pay the difference and get the lightbox html5 video upgrade?
I have downloaded and opened the zip file but Windows Vista will not allow me to open flv lightbox. Embeds into local web page just fine. I would like to know is it possible to start the gallery using the button, not the thumbnail, so the lightbox user can click on it and open the lightbox embed video gallery?
Hello! Are they from a lightbox video example set point in a popup video jquery video? I tested FTP location below and it was OK.